
Book the minds from Polyface at your next event.
  • Joel Salatin
    Joel Salatin
    (select image for bio)
  • Joel's Speaking Topics
    Joel's Speaking Topics
    (select image for topics list)
  • Daniel Salatin
    Daniel Salatin
    (select image for bio)


Joel's Speaking Schedule


  • February 5 Private on-farm Consult OKLAHOMA
  • February 11 Conservative Partnership Institute WASHINGTON D.C.
  • February 14-15 Southern Iowa Grazing Conference Bloomfield,  IOWA
  • February 20 Anarchapulco, Acapulco, MEXICO
  • February 22 South Carolina Farmes Veterans Coalition, Greenville, SOUTH CAROLINA
  • February 28 Kenosha Regenerative Producers Group, Kenosha, WISCONSIN


  • March 1 Film & Homesteading Workshop, Milwaukee, WISCONSIN
  • March 6-7  Private Farm Consultation OHIO
  • March 13-14 Rogue Food Conference, Wonderfield Farm and Retreat Center
    Floral City,  FLORIDA
  • March 15 USA Home Education Association, Great Homeschool Convention, Inc. Greenville,  SOUTH CAROLINA
  • March 20 Christian Home Educators of Wisconsin (CHEW) Wisconsin Dells,  WISCONSIN
  • March 22 Okie Homesteading Expo Pryor,  OKLAHOMA
  • Mar. 25 Conservative Partnership Institute WASHINGTON  D.C.



  • May 2-3 Seeking Whole Health, Kidron, OHIO
  • May 7 Private Farm Consult, KANSAS
  • May 8-10 Midwest Preparedness Project, Lawrence,  KANSAS
  • May 13-14 Seminar for Nuns from Tanzania, Polyface Swoope, VIRGINIA
  • May 16-17 Learn Homesteading in a Weekend, Homeseaders of America,     Polyface, Swoope VIRGINIA
  • May 20-21 Farm Consult for Joseph King, Dawson Springs,  KENTUCKY
  • May 30 Institute of Functional Medicine San Diego,  CALIFORNIA


  • June 6-7 Homestead Festival, Hardison Mill, Columbia TENNESSEE
  • June 11 Freedom Fest Palm Springs,  CALIFORNIA
  • June 13-14 Earth Council Gathering, Polyface, Swoope VIRGINIA
  • June 18-19 Ohio Food Independence Summit Sugarcreek,  OHIO
  • June 21  South Fork Homestead Paris, ILLINOIS
  • June 27-28 1,000 Hours Outside Jamboree, Polyface Swoope,  VIRGINIA


  • July 21-22 Polyface Intensive Discovery Seminar (PIDS) POLYFACE FARM
  • July 25-26 Polyface Intensive Discovery Seminar (PIDS) POLYFACE FARM


  • August 19 U.S. Coast Guard National Tour, Polyface, Swoope, VIRGINIA


  • September 5-6 Ozarks Homestead Expo Springfield,  MISSOURI
  • September 12-13 Brownstone National Gathering, Polyface, Swoope VIRGINIA
  • September 20 Buffalo Gap High School 50th Class Reunion, Polyface, Swoope VIRGINIA



  • November 7-8 Homesteaders of America Women’s Retreat
    Homesteaders of America, Polyface, Swoope,  VIRGINIA
  • November 8-9 Pioneer Festival of Hardee County, Sebring, FLORIDA


December 13 Center Solutions Holiday Party Houston,  TEXAS


  • January 22 Creating a Family Farm Legacy Dutch Meadows Farm
    Paradise,  PENNSVYLVANIA
  • May 2, 2026 Meatstock Gatlinburg,  TENNESSEE
  • June 7  Home Educators of Virginia Richmond,  VIRGINIA
  • June 12-13 Two Days of Truth
  • June 20, 2026 Jackson Ridge Homesteading Festival                                        Nappanee, INDIANA


Daniel's Speaking Schedule

January 23-25 APPPA Conference - Allen, TX


February 19 Dutch Meadows Farm, Paradise, PA


April 25 and 26 The Homestead Conference, WacoTEXAS 


May 16-17  HOA Homestead In A Weekend, POLYFACE FARM


June 7-8th The Homestead Festival, Columbia, TN

June 20 - 21 MONTANA

June 27-28th Modern Homesteading Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID


July 21-22 Polyface Intensive Discovery Seminar (PIDS) POLYFACE FARM

July 25-26 Polyface Intensive Discovery Seminar (PIDS) POLYFACE FARM


August 8-9 KENTUCKY




October 10 - 11 Homesteaders of America Conference, Front Royal, VA

Daniel's Speaking & Consulting Info

Speaking Protocol:

To secure him as speaker, send an email to wendy@polyfacefarms.com or call 540-885-3590.

The honorarium is the same whether it is a 30-minute presentation or an all-day seminar. Expenses include travel, meals, lodging, and parking fees.We reserve the right to negotiate concessions to these terms per our discretion. Normally the hosting organization sells our books on consignment with a commission.

    Joel's Speaking & Consulting Info:

    Speaking Protocol:

    To secure Joel as a speaker, regardless of venue (non-profit, community group, sustainable agriculture, urban food activism, corporation, college, association), please contact the farm by emailing: polyfacefarms@gmail.com or call 540-885-3590.

    The honorarium is the same whether it is a 30-minute presentation or an all-day seminar. Expenses include travel, meals, lodging, and parking fees.

    If your organization normally uses a speakers' bureau to secure guest lectures, please contact Chartwell International Speakers' Bureau at 972-385-1021 or mackenzie@chartwellspeakers.com. Otherwise contact us directly at polyfacefarms@gmail.com

    We reserve the right to negotiate concessions to these terms per our discretion. For all media inquiries contact Wendy Gray at 540-885-3590 or wendy@polyfacefarms.com

    Consulting Services:

    Engaging Joel for a day of consulting (multi-day discounts) is an investment in his experience and unorthodox creativity. To help pay for it, some folks offer a tag-along option for folks or an evening public event. Most folks just want the individual attention for a day or more. No one can be good at everything; here are Joel’s areas of expertise:

    1.  Landscape design: access, infrastructure, fences, edges, riparian buffers.

    2.  Water systems: access, distribution, capturing, utilization.

    3.  Corrals and livestock handling infrastructure: design, placement, infrastructure.

    4.  Brainstorming possibilities and opportunities: enterprises, margins, profit potential.

    5.  Fertility enhancement: techniques, resources, carbon development, composting.

    6.  Identifying weak links: breakthroughs and break withs; catalysis and inhibitors

    7.  Team building: family relationships, collaboration agreements, non-employee labor.

    8.  Succession planning: articulating expectations, agreeing on vision, roadmap to the future.

    9.  Marketing: what, where, when, how, and to whom.

    10.  Financials: margins, enterprise comparisons, time and motion, project value.

    11.  Multi-species on pasture: symbiosis, infrastructure, logistics, protocols.

    12.  Forestry: income potential, lumber, culling, management.

    Ongoing benefits: All clients receive direct access to Joel for ongoing dialogue, within reason, in perpetuity, gratis.

    Consulting Terms: Honorarium plus travel expenses.

    Daniel's Speaking & Consulting Info

    Speaking Protocol:

    To secure him as speaker, send an email to wendy@polyfacefarms.com or call 540-885-3590.

    The honorarium is the same whether it is a 30-minute presentation or an all-day seminar. Expenses include travel, meals, lodging, and parking fees.

    We reserve the right to negotiate concessions to these terms per our discretion. Normally the hosting organization sells our books on consignment with a commission.

    Speaking Topics:

    Mom…Dad…I want to farm:

    Starting a farm from scratch can be intimidating.  Where do you start?  With barns?  Fence?  Water?  Where do I put all this?  Enjoy this time with Daniel as he walks through the first steps of farm or homestead set up.

     Covering topics like:  

    What’s first?  What livestock should I get first and when?  

    How much time is this going to take?  How much is this going to cost?  And much more.  

    This talk can be for the very new or moved up to the more advanced.  Leaning from Daniel’s 30+ years in the farming world and setting up over 20 farms from scratch will empower you get started or just move forward with confidence.

    Grazing 101:

    In this talk Daniel will cover questions like:

    • How big should I make my paddocks?
    • How many cows can I raise on my farm/homestead?
    • What breeds should I get?
    • Best fencing and water plans.
    • How to improve soil and grow more grass!

      This and much more to help you get started or become more efficient or confident in your cattle production.

      Farm Labor:

      This talk(s) can cover many idea threads.
      • How to run a successful farm “Intern” or teaching program.
      • How to attract and KEEP great staff.
      • Looking at yourself and being ready to lead and or teach a team.
      • Housing, paying, feeding, etc.
      • Working up agreements to pay folks by performance not by the hour!
      • A fun and realistic look at farm labor and why it’s worth it!

        Teaching mentorship is something Daniel is passionate about. Having someone around you that is learning and growing is a wonderful way to live!

        Let’s spend some time talking about how it works.  Getting the most from your beef and pork – Communicating with your local butcher. Learning to speak the same language.


        Yes, Daniel will come to your farm for consulting!

        From a small homestead to larger farms, some even big enough to be called “ranches”- Daniel can help you get started or just look at your operations or ideas with a fresh set of eyes. But eyes with over 30 years of experience.

        Please email polyfacefarms@gmail.com for pricing or more information.