Blue Elk Coffee Co. is a Coffee Roastery located in Staunton, VA. Owners Jeff and Nova Jean are presently featuring direct trade coffee from 5 ranches in El Salvador. 

Our coffee ships 1 or 2 full pounds in a foil-lined, zip-sealed bag with a one-way outgas valve. Coffee keeps well in the bag; if using your own container, just avoid air and light if possible; we don't recommend freezing. Our 5 pound coffee boxes use a heavy duty plastic bag; consider other storage options. Suggested use is two weeks for maximum flavor/freshness; turns out, "fresh" is a bit of a preference.

Direct Trade

We get our Salvadoran coffee directly from the family growing it. That’s pretty cool! Giving the farmers growing the coffee a fair price for the season’s harvest is a pretty great way to do things. Not limiting the grower to a varying stock market price assures they don’t get less than they put into growing it.

Blue Elk Coffee Co.