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Party at Polyface

written by

Joel Salatin

posted on

July 8, 2024

If you receive this blog, you are a Polyface patron saint, and if you’re a Polyface patron saint, we want you to come on August 17 for an appreciation fest we’re calling PARTY AT POLYFACE.

Click Here To Join Us

The last time we did this was over 15 years ago and it’s time for a repeat.  

It’s free and our way to say “thank you” for sponsoring soil building, hydration, nutrient density, family farms, pollinators, and everything on the healing spectrum.

It’s free but you have to sign up, (CLICK HERE) and to kick things off, THE FIRST 100 SIGN-UPS GET A ONE-TIME ONLY T-SHIRT.  We won’t say what’s on it; we’ll have a great reveal when you arrive Aug. 17.

Time:  10-2 officially, but the farm store is open 9-4.

Our purpose is to hug patrons, express our gratitude, increase your understanding about how we grow your food, and provide a platform for you to bring a friend.  

Yes, this day extends to your friends.  Do you know someone who’s been struggling with “I know I should care more about my food, but it’s just too difficult, expensive, unknown, frustrating, etc.?” Bring them along.

Plans for the day:

Browse the store and vendor setups: 9:00-10:30

Farm Tour:  10:30-12:30

Lunch:  12:30-1:30 (Polyface hot dogs and brats over a wood fire.)

Joel chats:  1:30-1:45

Official adjourn:  2:00 (feel free to hang out till dusk if you want!)

Ongoing throughout the day:

Run through irrigation sprinklers

Farm-made slip and slide

Cow watering trough to jump in

Obstacle course


Animal petting and interaction

Many artisan collaborators Polyface endorses and carries will be on hand to meet you and show you their offerings.

Critical note:  BRING A COOLER and fill it up from the farm store with cheaper prices because we don’t have to handle, ship, or deliver.  Nice savings you can enjoy.

This is a day of celebration and appreciation, to taste and see good things.  We look forward to hosting you and loving on you for a day.  Please sign up today.


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