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written by

Joel Salatin

posted on

April 1, 2024

 The winter-to-summer transition is my favorite sprint of the year.  

Here at Polyface, we have several spring times.  They could be classified like this:

Spring Transition

Hay Season

Fall Transition

Here’s the spring transition:

1.  Take laying hens out of hoop houses to either Millenium Feathernets or Eggmobiles

2.        Start broiler chickens in the brooder house.

3.        Get pullets out of the brooder house and into pasture shelters

4.        Move cows off hay and onto pasture

5.        Move pigs from winter quarters into the hay shed to do pigaearate compost

6.        Prune fruit trees and grape vines

7.        Move rabbits from hoop houses to summer quarters

8.        Clean out hoop house bedding in order to plant vegetables or host seminars

9.        Survey all fences and repair them for the season

10.      Start the gravity water system feeding to all the fields

11.      Open farm store on weekdays

12.      Prep and begin planting the garden

It’s a crazy busy time but the hectic pace also brings amazing moments of gratitude, provision, and beauty.  

Here is a list of those:

1.         We had 10 calves born in 30 hours

2.        This morning I saw nightcrawlers copulating—new worms in the making

3.        Apple blossoms swelling

4.        In the last week, we spread countless loads of compost and got nice rains immediately

5.        Patrons and guests visiting the farm and store all week

6.        Pigaerating making hundreds of tons of compost

7.        All ponds are full, ready for the season

8.        Green grass

9.        Robins

10.      Chicks

11.      New farm truck

12.      New sawmill engine

I don’t know how you view the seasons and how you mark transitions, but I think we benefit when we consciously recognize life’s cycles and articulate thankfulness.  With that in mind, thank you for going through this journey with us.

And if you need to wiggle your toes in some new spring grass, caress a chick, or sit on the edge of a field to watch calves cavort, please know you’re always welcome at Polyface.  We’re here for you, eager to embrace another season, and excited to serve you again.  Thank you and come on out. We'd love to help you find inspiration in this fertile season.











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