Polyface Stewing Hen
January 25, 2024 • 0 comments

- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- (1-2) 2.5-2.9lb | Stewing Hen
- (1 teaspoon) REAL SALT SHAKER - FINE
- (1/2 teaspoon) black pepper
- (optional) onion, garlic, potatoes, apples etc.
Put several hens at a time in a large roaster pan, breast side down. Rub seasonings into the skin on all sides.
OPTIONAL: Place veggies, fruits, or herbs around the bird for extra flavor.
Cover. Bake at about 350 degrees for 4 hours. Once cooled, pick the meat off the bones and skin.
Chop the meat into chunks and freeze in quart containers as precooked chicken - a true convenience food when you need meat salad or casserole quickly on a busy day.
Freeze the broth as it is golden and rich; truly exceptional.
Instant pots and crockpots also work extremely well for these birds. Just add some water, season as usual, and cook. For instant pots, cook for 2 hours under high pressure. For crockpots, cook on low for 4-6 hours.