PUFAS - Trendy or True?

Are PUFAs a big deal? Polyface has been in the pastured livestock business long enough to have seen numerous litmus tests of the day come and go. What about PUFAs?

Polyface Pastured Poultry: Turkeys

Here at Polyface, we grow grass-fed turkeys seasonally to provide a healthy choice for many thankful American homes during this season. Thanksgiving is about more than food, but good food is a huge part of our history, childhood memories, and even a mental state of gratitude and abundance.

Rain Gauge

Water is life. What would you do if you turned on your water faucet and nothing came out? Do you think about water?

Holistic Shopping

Before holistic shopping, I used to read labels...I thought there had to be a more holistic approach to finding real food in its original, unprocessed state. Now I have a new strategy.

Party at Polyface

If you read this blog, you are a Polyface patron saint, and if you’re a Polyface patron saint, we want you to come on August 17 for an appreciation fest we’re calling PARTY AT POLYFACE.


Have you been caught by surprise with the fruit of your choices? Are the actions you have taken finally bearing a harvest? How delightful it is when you see the good return of things you have sown and cultivated in the past.

Wildlife Asset

Look at resilient wildlife for instruction in domestic livestock production. Wildlife survives. Farm animals should too. Learn to say "I care about the fawn and the bumblebee."