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8 oz.

Our Pâté has made believers out of naysayers. Made with Polyface chicken livers and butter with accents of onion, garlic, thyme, and bay leaf, it's pure velvety elegance. 8 oz. container

Serving Suggestions:
• Serve with neutral crackers (Table Water style), crostini, or warm baquette

• Dress portions with minced white onion and/or minced hard-boiled Polyface egg.


We are Vic and Jules, and have been friends for about 20 years. We've both been eating longer than that, and not just eating, but making opinionated tastings. Which brings us to the product, our food.

We produce our fine foods in an inspected kitchen at The Inn at Meadowcroft in Swoope, like hope, Virginia. The pastured meats we use are from Polyface Farm. The daily round trip commute is short, to the inn, to the farm, no traffic lights just pastures of cattle, horses, and sheep, hayfields, cornfields, vineyards, and big sky. The farthest our product travels is to you, the considerate consumer.

We appreciate your thoughtfulness in buying from Vic & Jules. Our goal is to make great food, with great ingredients, for great people like you.