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8 oz

Different from any "pimento cheese" you've ever tasted, this spread has a compelling breath of mild spiciness, and sweetness, on the taste buds thanks for homegrown jalapeños. Not too spicy for the gentle people. Best served at cool to room temperature.

Serving Suggestions:
• Classic on a buttery cracker such as a Ritz or Town House.
• Stuff in celery bites.
• Top a burger with a spoonful.
• Stire into hot grits for a lively spin on shrimp and grits


We are Vic and Jules, and have been friends for about 20 years. We've both been eating longer than that, and not just eating, but making opinionated tastings. Which brings us to the product, our food.

We produce our fine foods in an inspected kitchen at The Inn at Meadowcroft in Swoope, like hope, Virginia. The pastured meats we use are from Polyface Farm. The daily round trip commute is short, to the inn, to the farm, no traffic lights just pastures of cattle, horses, and sheep, hayfields, cornfields, vineyards, and big sky. The farthest our product travels is to you, the considerate consumer.

We appreciate your thoughtfulness in buying from Vic & Jules. Our goal is to make great food, with great ingredients, for great people like you.